Got a product or service that will make the life of bloggers and website owners easier? It is the right platform to advertise it. Below you’ll find all the specifications.
Site Stats
- Over 20,000 monthly unique visitors
- Over 40,000 monthly page views.
- 1,500 RSS/email subscribers.
- Ranked among the highest 5000 blogs in the world.
- Ranked among the highest 1000 news blogs.
- Social Ranking
- Backlinks visitors
Audience Profile
- Virtually all our readers have their own websites.
- Most of them spend money online regularly.
- 45% of our readers work full-time on the web.
- Out of those who don’t work online, 70% try to get started.
- Social Media shares.
Advertising Options
- Banners: we've the subsequent sizes available: 300px×480px, 728px X 90px, 300px x 320px, 300px x 600px, 300px x 728px, 1140px X 90px. Banners aren't rotated with other advertisers so you get 100% of the impressions.
- Full Page: Your advert can take over a page on our blog linked from our homepage.
- Text AD: Your Ads Display as text altogether posts on the blog.
- Post Review: If your product or service has relevance and is useful to our audience, We may review or feature it on the blog.
- Email Blast: A review of your product or service also can be emailed to our newsletter subscribers (6,000+).
- Sponsored Post: We also Support Sponsored posts.
Get in-tuned For Rates and Availability
If you're interested, Contact us Here and we’ll revisit it for you.